Track Your Employee

Our mission is simple. To make people happy! That’s why we created mello, a free app that makes it easy for companies to understand how their employees really feel about working there. It’s the fastest, most reliable way for a company to learn what will make their employees “mellow.” is the only employee engagement platform that measures and analyzes employee opinions throughout an entire organization. With this, you take one step closer to creating a happy work environment where employees and management can understand each other and work towards better workflow and practices.

Understanding What Really Matters

With mello, you get a snapshot of how each and every one of your employees feel about your company every day. This includes how they feel about their pay, benefits, the job itself, the management, the products or services they provide, and much more. With that, you will be able to quickly identify problems and opportunities before they fester into larger, more costly issues.

This also gives you the ability to proactively communicate with your employees in a meaningful and relevant way. It is only by truly knowing and understanding your employees that you can create an environment that promotes happiness and engagement and dramatically increases your bottom line!

Track Your Employee

How It Works

Mello is a simple plug-in used on the popular workplace communication tool Slack that any employee can anonymously rate their work experience on a given scale. These ratings are then compiled into a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly report. The data is analyzed and presented in an easy-to-read dashboard that provides actionable insights.

The great thing about mello is that employees can give their feedback anonymously. They do not have to worry that their thoughts and opinions will cause a commotion or bring up unwanted confrontations. In other words, employees are free to speak their minds regarding workplace concerns, and management can aggregate the information from everyone to improve the environment, in general, for everyone.

The result? Employees feel heard and appreciated, and with that, retention increases along with more productive teams that benefit the companies goals and objectives. Most companies don’t even attempt to understand the concerns of their employees. This is a mistake. Ignoring your employees’ concerns is like driving down the highway with your eyes closed. You’re bound to hit something. And when you do, you’ll be so blindsided that you’ll almost certainly wreck the car.

By Fabien